Wednesday, June 30, 2010

9- A Killer Party

Hans and Michael invade the eleventy-third anniversary of Praxis. Will they finally get to the bottom of this thrilling case?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Coming soon...

Yeah. I've got episode 9 coming soon and episode 10 was recorded today! Woot! We'll get this done yet. But, for those of you who don't know, AKA everyone, There are going to be 52 episodes in total. originally, the show was going to span a year, but it doesn't look like we're going to catch up so... longer than a year! And then the movie! What? did I just reveal something secret? What?

Yes, So I'll see you in the next episode!

Monday, June 14, 2010

New episodes on the way!

DON'T PANIC! No, seriously, though. We'll be recording new episodes most likely tomorrow. Hold on to your horses! An your hogs! Swine, cattle, geese, Templeton the rat, etc...

So, I'll see you then! bye. Oh, and make sure to check out excellent nonsense! Lots of more comic win on the way!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We discover another place to investigate in Phoebus. But will an old friend get in the way of plans?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

7- A Few Gadgets

The professor gives us a couple new devices to continue investigation in Phoebus. But if this mysterious man is against us, will his glorious inventions work?

Three Thumbs Up!!!

I've just started a new podcast, everyone! It's called 3 thumbs up and has a completely different mood from H.A.M. Radio. well, regardless, you can find it here. I hope you all like it!


Alright, so me and Michael recorded episodes 7 and 8 yesterday and we plan to record episodes 9 and 10 today. Things will be back on schedule soon! Once summer is here things will be going a bit more stable here as school won't be getting in the way. Don't get me wrong, I love school. Just not when I have several projects I wanna get working on ASAP.

So, I'll see you all later! Hope you have a great weekend.